Karst geological problems and countermeasures of the Huayingshan super-long tunnel on the Guang’an-Linshui highway
摘要: 公路、铁路等线路穿越岩溶地区时,合适的选线方法可降低工程造价、减少工程病害及环境影响,从而科学解决穿越与避让问题。拟建广安至邻水公路为双向四车道一级公路标准,初步设计阶段在工程可行性研究基础上采用低线A线和高线K线方案进行研究。华蓥山特长隧道穿越岩溶地区,为本项目的控制性工程。以华蓥山特长隧道为研究对象,在充分收集既有G42沪蓉高速华蓥山隧道相关资料的基础上,通过分析岩溶区岩溶发育规律、水文地质特点和岩溶地区公路选线的相关要点,采用多种辅助技术,总结出选线原则,最终推荐K线方案为总体最优方案。通过此工程实例,提出在复杂地质岩溶区公路选线的过程中要遵守“多比选,慎选择”的原则、践行地质环保选线原则和“以避为主,避重就轻,动态设计”的设计要点。Abstract: When highways and railways cross the karst area, appropriate route selection can reduce engineering cost, engineering diseases and environmental impacts, so the problem of crossing and avoiding will be scientifically solved. The proposed Guang’an to Linshui highway is four-lane width and of first-class standard. In the preliminary design stage, based on the engineering feasibility study, the A-line and the K-line schemes are two candidates. The Huayingshan super-long tunnel crosses karst area, which is a key construction of this project. The data available from existing G42 Shanghai-Rongshan expressway as another Huayingshan tunnel provides a basis for this study. Considering the karst development, hydrogeological conditions and the key points of highway route selection in karst areas, a varietyof auxiliary technologies were used to analyze the principle of route selection. Finally it is concluded that the K-line scheme is the optimal scheme. Through this project example, it is suggested that in the process of highway route selection in complex karst areas, the principle of "multi-comparison and careful selection" should be followed, and environmental protection should be practiced.
Key words:
- extra-long tunnel /
- karst /
- surface water capture /
- water and mud bursting /
- geological route selection
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