Characteristics of fault-karst carbonate reservoirs in the Shunbei No.1 well block, Tarim basin
摘要: 随着塔里木盆地超深层碳酸盐油气藏勘探工作的深入,在塔河外围斜坡区发现了断溶体油藏岩溶储层新类型。顺北1井区是中石化顺北油田主力产区,为典型断溶体油藏。该区先后经历一间房组顶面准同生岩溶作用、良里塔格组顺层-断裂控储岩溶作用、前志留系桑塔木组覆盖埋藏岩溶作用和海西晚期二叠系热液岩溶改造4个期次。其中对本区一间房组顶面以下80~120 m放空漏失段起控制作用的为良里塔格组顺层-断裂控储岩溶期。同时研究认为顺北1井区断溶体油藏发育的必要条件是发育区域大型走滑-拉分断裂,拉分段的杂乱反射体横向规模大,纵向发育深度深,是优质高产储集体;强挤压逆冲段杂乱反射呈夹板状,横向延展范围较窄,储集空间次之。Abstract: With the deepening of exploration practice for ultra deep carbonate reservoirs in Tarim basin, a new type of karst reservoirs has been found in the peripheral slope area of the Tahe river. The Shunbei No.1well area is the main production area of the Sinopec Shunbei oilfield, which is a typical fault-karst reservoir. The area has undergone 4 stages of development, a quasi syngenetic karst process on the top surface of Yijianfang formation, bedding strata of the Lianglitage formation and the dissolution of the fractured reservoir, buried karst in the Silurian Santamu formation and the late Permian hydrothermal karst transformation of the late Hercynian. Among them, the control of the 80-120 m emptying leakage below the top surface of Yijianfang formation is the bedding fracture controlled reservoir karst period of the Lianglitage formation. At the same time, it is considered that the necessary conditions for the development of dissolving body reservoirs in the Shunbei No.1 well area is the large-scale strike-slip pull-apart fault in the development region, where the dissection reflectors in the pull-apart section extend over large distances in plane and downward to large depths, marking the high quality and high yield reservoirs; while those in the thrust section show a plywood shape with narrow transverse extension, representing a secondary reservoir space.
Key words:
- ault karst carbonate reservoirs /
- karst characteristics /
- fault /
- Shunbei No.1 well block
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