Variability of cave climate environment and influencing factors of the Shandong peninsula Jiutian cave
摘要: 选取旅游洞穴九天洞为研究对象,对洞穴环境变化特征及影响因素进行分析,探讨旅游活动和外界环境变化对洞穴环境变化的影响,以期能够为旅游洞穴的保护与合理开发提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)九天洞受外界气温变化的影响呈夏季高冬季低的特征,且洞穴温度略高于当地平均温度,这与洞穴通风、旅游活动、监测时间等因素有关;(2)洞内相对湿度与洞内空气温度呈较好的负相关关系,洞内相对湿度的变化主要受控于温度,呈夏季低冬季高的变化特征;(3)九天洞CO2浓度的季节变化特征为夏秋季高冬季低,与气候变化导致的植被和微生物活动以及滴水速率的变化有关;(4)距洞口越远的监测点空气温度、相对湿度的变化幅度越小,CO2浓度越高,说明距洞口越远受洞外气候变化以及洞穴通风的影响越小;(5)九天洞各监测点pH值和电导率主要与外界气候变化有关,对气候变化响应敏感,在降水偏少的干旱年,监测点pH值偏高,电导率偏低。Abstract: In this paper, we chooses Jiutian cave as the research object, to analyzes the characteristics and influencing factors of cave environment changes, and to discusses the influence of tourism activities and changes of external environment on the changes of cave environment in order to provide a scientific basis for the protection of tourism caves. The cave air temperature, Relative Humidity (RH) and CO2 concentration had been continuously monitored for a period of three years (from December 2011 to December 2014). The pH and Electroconductivity (EC) of the water drop point were measured for two years. The results were as follows, (1) The air temperature of Jiutian cave is slightly higher than the local average temperature. The reason is related to the tourism activities and monitoring time. The temperature in the cave shows the characteristic of low in summer and high in winter, which is related to the change of temperature outside the cave and cave ventilation. In addition, the farther away from the entrance,the smaller the temperature inside the cave is affected by the changes of the outside air temperature. (2) The relative humidity and air temperature in the cave shows negative correlation,indicating that the main influencing factor of the relative humidity in the cave is the temperature. The seasonal variation is characterized by low in winter and high in summer. (3) The CO2 concentration value of Jiutian cave is relatively high, showing the characteristics of high in summer and autumn and low in winter, which is mainly related to the change of vegetation and microbial activity and drip rate caused by climate change. The peak of CO2 concentration is mainly due to the increase in the number of tourists. (4) The pH value and electroconductivity of each monitoring point in Jiutian cave are mainly related to climate change and are sensitive to climate change. In drought years with less precipitation, monitoring point has higher pH value and lower electroconductivity value.
Key words:
- cave environment /
- variation characteristics /
- influencing factors /
- Jiutian cave
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