Study on soil conservation and pedogenic function of five bryophytes in the karst areas of Guizhou Province
摘要: 研究普定喀斯特石生穗枝赤齿藓(Erythrodontium julaceum)、扭口藓(Barbula unguiculata)、真藓(Bryum argenteum)、美灰藓(Eurohypnum leptothollum)和东亚砂藓 (Racomitrium japonicum)的成土特点和保土效益。结果显示:5种石生藓类的成土率在45.0%~842.8%之间,最高为穗枝赤齿藓的842.8%,最低为真藓45%;成土量与成土率趋势基本一致,美灰藓最高为1 970.5 g·m-2,真藓最低仅为14.85 g·m-2。苔藓层对提高土壤抗冲性具有极其显著的增强作用,随苔藓层厚度的增加而增强,随着冲刷坡度的增大而减弱,苔藓层厚度≥2.5 cm,坡度≤20°时能有效地控制土壤的流失。Abstract: Soil and water conservation effects of five bryophytic plants, including Erythrodontium julaceum, Barbula unguiculata, Bryum argenteum, Eurohypnum leptothollum and Racomitrium japonicum were investigated in the karst areas in Puding city of Guizhou province. The results showed that: (1)The average pedogenic rate ranged from 45.0% to 842.8%, with the highest of 842.8% for Erythrodontium julaceum and the lowest of 45.0% for Bryum argenteum. (2)The trend of soil formation amount is basically consistent with the trend of soil formation rate; the highest soil formation amount was 1,970.5 g·m-2 for Erythrodontium julaceum, and the lowest was 14.85g·m-2 for Bryum argenteum.(3)The bryophyte layer has a remarkable effect on improving soil erosion resistance, and it increases with the increase of the thickness of the bryophytic layer, and decreases with the increase of the slope. When the slope is less than or equal to 20 degrees, and bryophyte layer thickness is larger than 2.5cm ,the soil loss can be controlled effectively. Therefore, the epilithic bryophytes showed a remarkable effect on pedogenesis, which is significant for landscape diversity and soil and water conservation in karst rocky desertification area.
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