Analysis on temporal and spatial variation characteristics of karst groundwater hydrochemistry in Jinci spring area based on EOF and M-K Models
摘要: 为研究晋祠泉域岩溶地下水水化学的时空变化规律,以2001-2014年该泉域内具代表性的岩溶水监测点水质资料为基础,以pH值、7大主要离子及TDS作为因子,运用经验正交函数(EOF)分析与Mann-Kendall(M-K)突变分析相结合的方法,对晋祠泉域14年的水化学场进行时空结构分离。结果表明:在空间分布特征上,pH值由北向南逐渐减小,汾河中段以南出现低值区;Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-、SO42-和TDS的空间变化趋势相似,整体上均是由北向南逐渐增加,等值线在古交一带较周围地区升高;K+ + Na+和Cl-含量在整个泉域普遍较低,但K+ + Na+在泉域边界处的王封和西寨一带含量升高,Cl-在古交以及西华苑处增高。在时间演化特征上,从2001-2014年pH值、Mg2+、K+ + Na+、HCO3-和Cl-含量基本在平均值上下波动;Ca2+和SO42-含量逐年降低,且分别在2008年和2009年之后呈明显的下降趋势;TDS在2005-2007年呈明显的下降趋势,在其它时段下降趋势不显著。
- 岩溶水水化学 /
- 时空变化特征 /
- EOF /
- Mann-Kendall突变分析 /
- 晋祠泉域
Abstract: In order to study the temporal and spatial variation of karst groundwater hydrochemistry in Jinci spring area, based on the water quality data of representative monitoring points of karst groundwater in the study area from 2001 to 2014, pH, the seven major ions (K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-、SO42-、Cl-)and TDS were selected as the factors for the water quality assessment. The methods combing Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) decomposition with MannKendall(M-K) mutation analysis were used to separate the temporal and spatial structure of 14 years’ hydrochemistry fields in Jinci spring area. The results show that,(1) In terms of spatial distribution, pH decrease from north to south in Jinci spring area, the low value region appears in the south of middle reaches of Fenhe River. The spatial variation trends of Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3-、SO42-and TDS are similar to that of the pH values, which gradually increase from north to south, and the contour line of high value appears in Gujiao region. Although the contents of K++ Na+ and Cl- are generally low in the whole spring area, the contents of K++ Na+ are relative high in Wangfeng and Xizhai areas at the boundary of the spring area, and the content of Cl-increase in Gujiao and Xihuayuan area. (2) In terms of temporal evolution, from 2001 to 2014, the contents of pH, Mg2+, K++ Na+, HCO3- and Cl- fluctuated in the mean value. The contents of Ca2+ and SO42- decreased yearly, and showed a obviously downward trend after 2008 and 2009. TDS showed a significant downtrend from 2005 to 2007 ,while the downward trend was not remarkable at other periods. -
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