Identification of hydrochemical sensitive factors of karst groundwater in different functional urban areas
摘要: 随着西南地区城镇化进程的不断推进,西南城市区岩溶地下水环境压力迅猛增加,水质恶化显著。采集西南岩溶区四个典型城市(遵义市、桂林市、贵阳市和娄底市)的86组地下水样,运用描述性统计分析、变异系数分析及主成分分析法,综合研究了不同城镇功能区岩溶地下水化学特征及易受人类活动影响的敏感因子。结果表明,工业区岩溶地下水中电导率、总硬度、TDS、Na+、Mg2+、Cl -、SO2-4、NO-2、Mn这9项指标的含量均最高,商业住宅区次之,城乡结合处最低;而K+、NH+4和NO-3三者浓度表现为商业住宅区最高。研究区各地下水化学组分普遍具有较高的空间变异性,其中工业区易受人类活动影响的敏感因子为SO2-4、I-、Fe,商业住宅区易受人类活动影响的敏感指标为Na+、NO-2、NO-3,城乡结合处的主要敏感指标为Na+、Mg2+、NO-2。Abstract: With the development of urbanization in Southwest China, the environmental pressure of karst groundwater has increased rapidly in urban areas and the water quality has deteriorated significantly. To further address this issue, this work collected 86 sets of groundwater samples from four typical cities(Zhunyi, Guilin, Guiyang, Loudi)in the karst areas of southwestern China mainland. Analyses of descriptive statistics, variation coefficients and principal component were conducted to reveal the chemical characteristics of karst groundwater and sensitive factors susceptible to human activities. The results show that the concentrations of electric conductivity, total hardness, TDS,Na+,Mg2+,Cl -,SO2-4,NO-2 and Mn are highest in industrial zones, the second in commercial residential areas, and the lowest in conjunctions of suburbs. While the contents of K+,NH+4 and NO-3are the highest in commercial residential areas. In the study areas, chemical compositions of groundwater generally have higher spatial variability. The sensitive factors of industrial zones include SO2-4,I- and Fe, and the sensitive indexes of commercial residential areas are Na+,NO-2 and NO-3 , while the main sensitive indicators of suburbs are Na+,Mg2+ and NO-2.
Key words:
- karst groundwater /
- urban functional area /
- hydrochemistry /
- sensitive factor
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