Critical conditions for karst collapses in the Yongwen Middle School, Guiyang, China
摘要: 通过现场调查,永温中学校区内及周围存在7处塌陷点,1处塌陷隐患点,严重地威胁着该校师生生命财产安全。研究区基岩可溶性成分多,覆盖粘土层较薄,且地下水溶蚀性强,属于岩溶塌陷的高危险区。为了预防岩溶塌陷灾害,文章总结分析了研究区岩溶塌陷发育的裂隙-渗流-崩解模式,并通过室内模拟试验验证。模拟试验结果表明,土体含水量是崩解作用形成塌陷的关键参数。进一步开展8组不同含水量原状样的崩解试验,结果表明,研究区岩溶塌陷发育的土体含临界水量为26.8%,发育条件为0~26.8%。Abstract: There are 7 karst collapses happened and 1 potential collapse site in the Yongwen Middle School of Guiyang city, which pose a serious threat on the safety of teachers and students and property there. This site is characterized by highly soluble bedrock, thin covering clay layer and strong groundwater erosion;these have caused the site to be a high-risk karst collapse in this area. Through laboratory simulation test,it is realized that the karst collapse hazard follpwed a fissure-seepage-disintegration model. The results also show that the soil water content is critical in the disintegration and the formation of karst collapses. Furthermore, 8 sets of undisturbed samples with different water content are used to conduct disintegration tests. They demonstrate that the water content of 26.8% is the critical value to trigger karst collapse, while 0~26.8% is the condition for generation of such a risk at the site.
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