Study on spatial-temporal differentiation of tourism climate comfort in Guangxi based on DEM
摘要: 基于数字高程模型(DEM)和3S技术,以广西壮族自治区1981-2010年74个气象观测点的气象常规观测数据为基础,对广西各地区地形下温度、相对湿度、风速、温湿指数、风寒指数、着衣指数和综合旅游舒适度指数等时空分布特征进行分析研究,并结合2015年广西307个2A级旅游景区时空分布进行评价,结果表明:在时间差异上,广西大部分地区最佳旅游时间为1月、2月、3月、10月和11月,此时全区大部分地区气温保持在15~25 ℃之间,处于非雨季期;4月、12月在气候舒适上为较适合旅游的季节;由于广西地处南疆,雨热同期,高温多雨的6、7、8月在气候舒适度上为最不适合旅游月份;就季节而言,旅游气候舒适度排序为冬季>秋季>春节>夏季。在空间差异上,6个月旅游舒适期地区仅占广西面积的0.12%,仅在桂西西林县西面和桂北资源县北面零星分布,没有2A级以上旅游景区分布其中;7个月旅游舒适期地区主要分布在桂西、桂西南和桂西北地区,桂北资源县、桂南博白县和合浦县、桂南贺州市、梧州市均有分布,占广西面积的36.78%,共有72个2A级旅游景区分布其中,占23.5%的景区数量比例;舒适期为8个月的地区分布最广,占广西区面积的63.1%,共有235个2A级以上旅游景区,占2015年2A级以上景区数量的76.5%,主要分布在桂中、桂南和桂北地区。Abstract: This work is based on digital elevation model (DEM) and 3S as well as conventional meteorological observation data of 74 points in Guangxi from 1981 to 2010. The objective is to analyze spatial distribution characteristics of the temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, temperature-humidity index, wind chill index, the clothing index and integrated tourism comfort in varied terrains. Combined with spatial distribution of 307 2Agrade scenic spots of Guangxi in 2015, this study obtains the following results. Because of time difference, the best travel time periods of most areas in Guangxi are January, February, March, October, November, during which the temperature of these areas is maintained 15-25 ℃, and not the rainy season. On climate comfort, April and December are more suitable for travel. Because Guangxi is located in the south of China, heavy rain and high temperature occur over the same periods in June, July and August which most unsuitable for travel. As for seasons, the order of climate comfort for tourism is winter> autumn > spring > summer. Because of spatial differences, the areas with tourism comfort period of 6 months only cover 0.12% of Guangxi, scattered in the northwest of Xilin county in western Guangxi and the north of Ziyuan county in northern Guangxi, where no tourist spot above 2A level is present. The areas with tourism comfort period of 7 months are mainly in the west-southwest and northwest of Guangxi, which lies in Ziyuan county of western Guangxi, Bobai county and Hepu county of southern Guangxi,and Wuzhou county and hezhou county of southern Guangxi, which cover 36.78% of whole Guangxi area. There are 72 tourist spots above 2A level, accounting for 23.5% the total number of tourist spots. The areas with a tourism comfort period of 8 months are the most widely distributed, which cover 63.1% of entire Guangxi. There are 235 above 2A level tourist spots, accounting for 76.5% the total number of tourist spots in 2015, mainly distributed in central, southern and northern Guangxi.
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