Research on the water level of anti-floating of building structure based on long-term boreholes and rainfall observations
摘要: 以贵阳市地铁2号线三桥站主体结构基坑抗浮为研究对象,根据长观孔3~5年地下水位与降雨量关系对地下水位动态变化进行分析,提出一种定量计算抗浮水位的取值方法:抗浮水位值包括三个部分,勘察期间场区地下水最高水位(Hkmax)、可能的意外补给造成该层地下水位的上升值(ΔH0)及该层地下水相对勘察时的最大变幅值(ΔHe);长观孔地下水位呈雨季升高、枯季下降的变化规律,最高水位出现在6、7月份;通过对4、5、6月份的降雨量与观测孔水位进行线性拟合,得到地下水位变化量与月降雨量变化量的线性变化关系;结合历史降雨量推测场区地下水位的最大升幅为2.26 m,进而计算场区的抗浮水位为1 128.46 m。Abstract: This paper studies anti-floating groundwater level of main body structure foundation pit, with a case study of the metro line 2 at Sanqiao station, Guiyang. The relationship between long-term groundwater level monitoring data and rainfall data was analyzed. On this basis, a method for the calculation of anti-uplift water level values was put forward. Main result shows that,(1) anti-uplift water value consists of three parts, i.e. the highest groundwater level during the site investigation, the groundwater level rise by unexpected recharge and the maximum groundwater fluctuation rate compared to that of the site exploration period; (2) The groundwater levels monitored fluctuate seasonally which commonly increase in rainy season and decline in dry season, with the highest water levels appear in June and July; (3) The linear relationship between the change of the groundwater level and the change of monthly rainfall was obtained by the linear fitting of the rainfall in April, May and June; (4) Combined with the historical rainfall, the maximum increase of the groundwater level in the field area is 2.26 m, and the anti-floating water level in the field area is 1,128.46 m.
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