Corrosion effects and environmental correlation of bryophytes on limestone in Guiyang karst park
摘要: 以贵阳喀斯特公园南石林为研究区,通过野外调查及实验测定,研究苔藓植物多样性、溶蚀形态和环境因子间的关系,探讨苔藓生物岩溶形成及其对生物地质的意义。结果表明:贵阳喀斯特公园南石林有苔藓14科27属49种,溶蚀结果根据形态可划分为:溶孔、溶坑、溶锥、溶沟、溶槽、溶盆等六种;在溶孔—溶锥—溶坑—溶盆、溶沟—溶坑—溶盆和溶槽—溶坑—溶盆三个阶段中苔藓多样性指数都呈先升后降的趋势,其中溶孔、溶沟和溶槽的苔藓多样性指数最小分别为:6.232、8.524和7.490,在溶坑形态下苔藓植物多样性指数达到最大值为18.219,溶盆形态下其多样性下降至11.949;均匀度呈上升趋势分别从0.880、0.862和0.916上升至0.953,然后在溶盆阶段下降至0.876。环境因子是限制溶蚀形态发生数量的重要因素,在第二等级条件下(温度17.5~21.4 ℃,湿度57.7%~72.6% RH,光照2 700~5 900 Lux)苔藓植物对石灰岩的塑造作用最强。溶蚀形态的变化过程往往伴随着苔藓群落的演替,苔藓植物对溶蚀形态的形成具有很强的塑造作用。Abstract: Bryophytes are important habitants in the karst area, and they are of great significance in biological geology and ecological geology to study the corrosion in karst area. The relationship among bryophyte diversity, dissolution forms and environmental factors was studied in Nanshilin, Guiyang kast park through field investigations and lab experiments, The results show that: 49 taxa in 27 genera of 14 families of bryophytes were identified in the study area. According to the morphology, the corrosion results could be divided into six types: corrosion hole, corrosion pit, corrosion cone, corrosion groove, corrosion trough and corrosion basin. The diversity index of bryophytes showed a tendency of rising first and then decreasing in the following three stages:corrosion hole-corrosion cone-corrosion pit-corrosion basin, corrosion groove- corrosion pit-corrosion basin and corrosion trough-corrosion pit-corrosion basin,of which the minimum indices of bryothytes diversity occurred in corrosion hole, corrosion cone and corrosion groove being 6.232, 8.524, and 7.490, respectively. The bryophyte diversity index reached a maximum value of 18.219 in the corrosion pit, and then decreased to 11.949 in corrosion basin. The uniformity showed an upward trend, from 0.880, 0.862, 0.916 to 0.953, then dropped to 0.876 at the stage of corrosion basin. The environment plays an important role in the occurrence of corrosion patterns. Under the second grade condition (temperature of 17.5-21.4 ℃, humidity of 57.7%-72.6%RH, light of 2,700-5,900 Lux), the bryophytes have the strongest shaping effect on limestone. The change of dissolution patterns is often accompanied by the succession of the moss community. The bryophytes have a strong shaping effect on the formation of dissolution patterns.
Key words:
- bryophyte, corrosion patterns /
- environmental factors /
- biological geology /
- ecological function /
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