Study on the developing model of karst collapse
摘要: 岩溶塌陷是我国岩溶区常见的地质灾害。目前,关于岩溶塌陷发育机理模式主要以力学分析为主。文章以岩溶塌陷过程为基础,探讨分析岩溶塌陷发育机理模式。依据地下水埋藏条件,土体分为包气带非饱和土体、潜水层饱和土体及承压水层承压性土体。根据“水-+土”相互作用,在包气带、潜水层和承压水层分别建立崩解作用、潜蚀作用和水力裂隙作用三种岩溶塌陷发育机理模式。Abstract: Karst collapse is a common geological disaster in karst area of China. Currently, the mechanisms of karst collapse development are mainly based on mechanical analysis. In this paper, the mechanisms of karst collapse development is studied based on the developing process of karst collapse. Two conclusions are obtained as follows,(1)According to the aquifer conditions, soils are divided into three types, the unsaturated soil in the aeration zone, the saturated soil in the unconfined aquifer and the pressurebearing soil in the confined aquifer;(2) On the basis of the interaction between groundwater and soils, three models of karst collapse are established as the disintegration model in the aeration zone, the seepage erosion model in the unconfined aquifer, and the hydraulic fissure model in the confine aquifer.
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