Hydraulic interaction between groundwater and surface-water at Zengpiyan site in Guilin, China
摘要: 桂林甑皮岩遗址地处典型的峰林平原区,面临地下水运动破坏遗址区稳定性的问题。为掌握水塘岩溶渗漏过程特征,揭示遗址保护区岩溶地下水与地表水的相互作用,保护遗址区的稳定性,分析了遗址保护区地下水与地表水的水位动态特征,并根据岩溶地下水与地表水系统的水均衡要素建立水箱模型的基本物理结构和水塘水位衰减方程,将模拟水位与实际水位对比分析,量化地表水与降雨及遗址洞地下水之间的相互关系。水塘水位动态与地下水水位动态存在水位高差、上升起点、衰减速度和峰值滞后的差异性,两者动态过程的差异反映遗址区岩溶介质的沟通能力较强;地表水渗漏过程主要控制因素是水塘底部的岩溶渗漏能力;地下水补给地表水塘的方式以主径流带管道流集中补给为主。遗址区地下水与地表水的水力交互作用表现出强烈的动态模式,地下水与地表水互相转化特征显著。地下水与地表水的水力交互有利于削弱地下水潜蚀力,缓解地下水对覆盖层的侵蚀破坏。
- 岩溶渗漏 /
- 地下水侵蚀 /
- 地下水与地表水交互作用 /
- 洞穴遗址 /
- 甑皮岩
Abstract: Zengpiyan is located in the Guilin Peak forest plain. The stability of this site is threatened by groundwater scouring due to the change of hydrodynamic conditions of karst groundwater. In order to examine the characteristics of groundwater leakage process, and to reveal the transformation process of groundwater and surface water in the protected areas of the site, this study analyzed the dynamic characteristics of water level. The tank model and water level decay equation were constructed according to the water balance elements of karst water system. Then the difference between the simulated water level and the actual water level was compared to explain the relationships between rainfall, surface water and groundwater. The results show that there are various differences between the pond and the groundwater, such as the water level, the start rising point, the decay rate and the lag time of the peak. The difference in dynamic processes reflects the strong communication capacity of karst media. The leakage process of the pond is controlled by seepage capacity. Groundwater recharging to surface water reservoirs is dominated by concentrating supplies through main runoff zones. The hydraulic interaction between groundwater and surface water shows strong dynamic patterns, especially in the high-permeability karst areas. The hydraulic interaction of groundwater and surface water is beneficial to alleviate the erosion and damage of groundwater to the cover layer. -
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