Experiences of well drilling for water search in karst areas of southeastern Yunnan Province:An example of the Zhulin area, Guangnan county
摘要: 以1996-2012年期间抗旱打井实例,总结了找水技术方法、勘查工作流程,提出了滇东南高原斜坡地带岩溶区找水要点:分水岭弱径流带,主要目标是在古溶蚀台面上接近区域分水岭的地段、规模较大的溶蚀洼地中的扬起端寻找浅层岩溶水;缓坡区较强径流带,主要目标是寻找面积较大、产状较平缓的悬托弱透水层之上的滞水型岩溶水;斜坡区强径流带,主要应寻找暗河天窗、竖井中的岩溶水。确定井位应遵循区域调查分析+井位附近详细调查分析的工作程序,必要时配合开展物探准确定位;不宜在排泄区、强径流区、峰丛洼地区、大泉、地下河附近、负地形最低部位布井,物探成果应用须与水文地质调查成果紧密结合。Abstract: The Zhulin area of Yunnan is located in the watershed area of the Qingshuijiang river, Pumeihe river and Xiyangjiang river, tributaries of the Nanpanjiang river water system, with elevations 1,200 m to 1,960 m above sea level. Its geomorphology is dominated by peak cluster-depressions, karst valleys and karst hill-depressions. The karst is obviously stratified in vertical direction. Due to the extremely heterogeneous distribution and big burial depths of karst water in watersheds, it is a challenge to drill successful wells in this area. Based on the experiences of drilling at 9 wells from 1996 to 2012 in this area, this paper summarized the work processes for well drilling in karst watershed areas. It is suggested that in watersheds with weak runoffs, the targets should be chosen at the upper ends of large karst depressions on paleo-karst platforms close to watershed zones. In gentle slope zones with relatively strong runoffs, the effort should focus on the perched karst water above the suspension weak permeable layer which has relatively large area and gentle occurrence. In steep slope areas, groundwater in karst windows and shafts are the priority. Determining the locations of wells should follow such procedures as, first regional hydrogeological survey and then detailed hydrogeological investigations around well locations, with aid of some geophysical prospecting to improve the ratio of well drilling success. The wells to be drilled should not be located at discharge areas, strong runoff zones, or peak cluster-depressions, neighboring areas of big karst springs and groundwater flow, or bottoms of the negative landforms. The application of geophysical prospecting results should be closely combined with the results of hydrogeological surveys.
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