Synergetic evaluation of landscape conservation and development in karst gorge and cave scenic area, with a case in Jiuxiang gorge and cave scenic area, Yunnan Province, China
摘要: 建立自然保护、恢复与社会经济发展相协调的保护地评价指标体系,以达到评估景观保育情况,分析在社会经济发展中的作用,获取景观保育持续提升的方向和对策是本文目标。以云南九乡峡谷洞穴景区为例,设计了景区景观的自然性、功能性和属地性指数评价体系。九乡景区景观自然性指数为7.004,属次生景观类;景区功能性指数是7.58,属发展型景区;属地性指数6.8,属景区产业向服务社区与居民就业方向转型的过渡产业型景区。根据九乡景区景观格局和保护利用状态,提出四个景观保育区,分别是乡土植物廊道和文化景观保育区、峡谷河道景观保育区、峡谷洞穴景观与地表植被保育区、植被管护与石漠化治理区等。景观保育措施主要是自然保育与恢复,以实现管理景观自然化,同时发展景区社区主导的旅游服务业与开发民特产品,增强景观保护的社会经济基础。Abstract: The objective of the paper is to set up an evaluation index for coordinating natural conservation with socio-economic development through assessing landscape conservation and analyzing effect of landscape utilization on the social sustainable development for the improvement of landscape protection. With the case study area located in Jiuxiang gorge and cave scenic area of Yunnan Province, the assessing index system for the landscape naturality, functionality and locality was designed. Analytical results show that,(1) The naturality index of the Jiuxiang scenic area is 7.004 which falls in the index range of secondary landscapes; (2) Its functionality index is 7.58 representing a type of scenic landscape under development; (3) The locality index is 6.8 which indicates that the area is currently at a transformation stage with its industrial type shifting from scenic industry to services for local communities and local employment. According to the landscape patterns of the scenic area, four sub-areas for the landscape conservation were proposed in this study. They are respectively local plant corridor and cultural landscape conservation sub-area, gorge river landscape protection sub-area, gorge cave landscape protection and associated vegetation conservation sub-area, and sub-area of plant vegetation protection and rocky desertification control. It is suggested that the scenic area be preserved in a natural manner. Meanwhile, the local communities’ leading tourist service industry and local special products should be further developed for consolidating the socio-economic base of the communities and residents.
Key words:
- assessing index /
- landscape conservation /
- ecological restoration /
- karst /
- geopark park
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