Impact of agricultural tourism activity on the soil environment in karst regions
摘要: 为了探明在川东岩溶地区蓬勃兴起的休闲农业旅游活动对土壤生态环境的影响,以重庆市铜梁区黄桷门奇彩梦园(黄门现代农业园区)(下称“奇彩梦园”)和北碚区金果园(休闲观光果园)(下称“金果园”)游步道两侧的土壤样区为研究对象,通过现场调查、采样和实验室分析,研究了土壤各生态指标受影响的距离、受冲击规律及重金属潜在风险。结果表明:受农业游憩影响,两园区土壤含水量、土壤有机质、土壤全氮及碱解氮随着离游径的距离变小呈递减的趋势,土壤容重呈递增的趋势,而土壤pH值仅在奇彩梦园表现出随离游径的距离变小呈递增趋势,各指标受影响的范围主要集中在4 m内;运用践踏指数分析得出两园区处于轻度践踏状态,土壤腐殖质层和草本并没有完全破坏,土壤生态环境在自然状态下可以得到一定恢复。通过对两园区土壤重金属的评价,发现各样区土壤环境处于清洁或尚清洁状态,Cd和Pb在部分样区内含量达到安全警戒状态(污染指数>0.7),需采取措施重点防控。Abstract: In order to clarify the influence of leisure agriculture tourism activity, which is booming in eastern Sichuan, on the soil ecological environment and provide a scientific basis for assessing the impact of agricultural tourism activity on the environment in the future. This paper takes the soil sample regions of tour trail on both sides of Chongqing Beibei Jinguoyuan(leisure sightseeing orchard) (hereinafter refers to as the "Jinguoyuan") and Huangjiaomen Tongliang area, Qicaimengyuan (yellow door modern agricultural park) (hereinafter refers to as "Qicaimenyuan") as the research objects. Using the quadrat method of two parks on either side of the main route, the soil samples are investigated. Through on-site survey and laboratory analysis on samples, this work systematically studied the soil environment affected by the distance, the ecological index hit rule and its potential risk. Results show that in both the areas affected by the agricultural recreation, the soil moisture content, soil organic matter, soil total nitrogen and alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen decrease with the decreasing distance from trails. The soil bulk density rises with the decrease of the distance from trails, while the soil pH value only in the Qicaimengyuan presents a rising trend with the decrease of the distance from trails. Each index of the affected range is mainly concentrated in the range of 4 m. The trampling index analysis shows that the two parks are in a state of mild trample. The soil humus layer and herb have not been completely destroyed and soil ecological environment under the natural state can be restored. Evaluation the soil heavy metal content of the two parks indicates that in general every area of soil is in a clean environment or still clean state. The Cd and Pb content in the part of the sample zone reaches the security alert (pollution index > 0.7) where it needs to take measures to prevent and control as a focused object.
Key words:
- karst region /
- agricultural tourism /
- soil environment /
- physicochemical property of soil /
- heavy mstal
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