Evaluation of ecological sensitivity in the city-encircling forest belt of Guiyang based on GIS and AHP
摘要: 贵阳市环城林带对贵阳市生态环境起着控制和调节作用。近年来,随着城市化建设的发展,环城林带遭到不同程度破坏。为了保护现存环城林带资源,文章根据贵阳市环城林带地质环境条件的调查与测试资料,选择7个生态敏感性影响因子(地层岩性、地质构造、高程、坡度、坡向、地表水域和人类活动),采用GIS技术对各单因子的敏感性进行分区,最后利用层次分析法(AHP)和空间加权叠加技术对林带生态敏感性进行综合分区。结果表明,不敏感林区占林带总面积的4.82%,分布于研究区北部;轻度敏感区占18.01%,分布于南部、东北部及东南部;中度敏感区占42.91%,分布于东部、西部及东北部;高度敏感区占29.61%,分布于北部区域;极度敏感区占总面积的4.65%,零星分布于各林区。针对各敏感区存在的主要生态环境问题提出治理与保护对策,为预防和治理贵阳市环城林带生态环境问题提供科学依据,对今后贵阳市生态规划与建设提供科学指导。Abstract: The city-encircling forest belt in Guiyang controls and regulates the ecological environment of the urban area. With development of urbanization construction recent years, this forest belt is suffering from damage to varied degrees. To protect the existing resources of the urban forest, it is necessary to conduct evaluation of ecological sensitivity. Based on the investigations of the geological environment and experimental data of this forest belt, we choose seven kinds of ecological sensitivity factors, i.e. stratigraphic lithology, geological structure, elevation, gradient, slope direction, the surface water and human activities. We employ GIS technology to make area division of the forest belt for each single factor. Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and spatial weighting methods, then we conduct a comprehensive division of ecological sensitivity to the entire forest belt. The results show that insensitive area accounts for 4.82% of the whole forest area, distributed in the northern part of study area. The slightly sensitive area accounts for 18.01%, distributed in the south, northeast and southeast. Medium sensitivity areas (42.91%) are distributed in the east, west and northeast. Highly sensitive areas occupy 29.61%, distributed in the northern region. Extremely sensitive areas account for 4.65% scattered in the forest belt. Aiming at the main ecological environment problems in every sensitive area, we propose the management and protection countermeasures which can provide a scientific basis to prevent and govern the forest ecological environment problems. At the same time, this research is also a scientific guidance for the ecological planning and construction of Guiyang in the future.
Key words:
- GIS /
- AHP /
- city-encircling forest belt /
- ecological sensitivity /
- Guiyang
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