Temporal and spatial characteristics of network attention to show cave:A case study of five beautiful show caves
摘要: 旅游网络关注度是旅游者需求状况和行为习惯在网络上的直观表现。基于百度指数,运用变异系数、基尼系数等定量测算方法,以中国最美五大旅游洞穴为例,对中国旅游洞穴网络关注度的时空特征进行了研究。研究结果显示:旅游洞穴在网络上的关注度较高,并呈现上升的态势,月变化曲线呈双“M”形;网络关注度的省际差异明显,关注度较高的区域主要是洞穴所在的省(市)、邻近省(市)以及东部经济发达省份;旅游洞穴网络关注度的高峰、低谷与国内旅游活动的季节性差异具有耦合性,洞穴的吸引力和吸引范围具有明显的区域性。研究结论为洞穴旅游的发展提供了启示:应充分重视互联网在景区营销中的作用,将网络关注度作为景区经营管理的重要工具,加强与周边景区(点)的合作。Abstract: Cave tourism is an important form of tourist activities, which refers to the natural karst cave as the basis, through the transformation and utilization of caves, to carry out sightseeing, adventure, entertainment, medical and other tourist activities. Tourism resources of karst caves are very rich in China, where more than four hundred karst caves have been developed for tourism purpose. They are the most representative show caves in China which are selected in the most-beautiful-show-cave activity in 2005. Network attention rate of tourists is an intuitive measurement of their demand conditions and behavior habit on the Internet. Analyzing the spatial and temporal characteristics of network attention to show caves and their causes facilitates to delineate current development of show caves and the diversity of tourism demands, which can provide scientific guidance for the development of karst cave tourism. Based on the methods of Baidu index, statistical variation coefficients and Gini coefficient, this paper analyzes temporal and spatial characteristics of network attention rate to show cave in China. Time dimension analysis includes two levels, year and month. Spatial dimension analysis is on a provincial basis, to explore the inter-provincial differences of the attention. The results show that the network attention to show cave is of a high degree and shows a tendency of growth. The monthly changes exhibit a double M-shaped curve. The provincial differences of network attention are obvious. The provinces with higher attention concentrate in native places, neighboring provinces and economically developed eastern areas. This research also indicates that there is strong coherence between the fluctuation of network attention to show cave and seasonal differences of tourism activities. The attraction and attraction scope of karst cave resources are provincially different. The research provides some enlightenment for the development of cave tourism, for which more attention should be paid to the role of internet in the marketing of karst caves, take the network attention rate as an important measure for the management of show cave, and strengthen the cooperation with surrounding scenic spots.
Key words:
- show cave /
- Baidu index /
- network attention /
- temporal and spatial characteristics
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