Statistical analysis of show cave scenic areas (spots) in China
摘要: 通过中国洞穴数据库、中国各省市旅游景区名录、同程旗下网站(和欣欣旅游网(下属的洞穴旅游专栏以及其他相关网站、报刊等途径获得中国大陆旅游洞穴的相关数据,对中国旅游洞穴的数量、质量、开放时间、空间分布、开发主题、门票价格等进行统计分析,结果发现:截止2016年7月,中国大陆地区拥有旅游洞穴景区(点)708个,其中,旅游洞穴景区364个,旅游洞穴景点344个,除宁夏和上海外,在其余29个省级行政区均有分布;现有A级旅游洞穴景区177家;以旅游洞穴景区作为重要组成部分的世界自然遗产有2处,世界地质公园有6处,国家地质公园有24处,国家级风景名胜区有26处;中国旅游洞穴景区(点)开放时间主要集中于20世纪70年代以来的40多年间,尤以1980—2008年间开放的最多,年际差异性较小;受岩溶地质背景的区域差异和社会经济发展水平的双重影响,中国旅游洞穴景区(点)较为集中地分布于西南、中南、华南、华东地区,在省际间空间上呈凝聚态势;中国旅游洞穴景区(点)的开发主题主要涉及地质观光、历史遗迹、宗教活动、科普教育、医疗保健、地下漂流等类型;中国5A、4A、3A、2A级旅游洞穴景区的平均门票价格分别为129元、86.16元、53.09元、37.19元,高于非洞穴类同类A级旅游景区。Abstract: China has rich show cave resources. Show cave scenic areas (spots) develop fast, but basic data of show caves updates slowly. It is difficult using the old data of show caves (analysis in 2005) to serve the academic research and development management of cave tourism. In order to solve this problem, this paper makes a statistical analysis on the basic data of Chinese show caves. The geographical scope of the statistics involves 31 provincial administrative regions in mainland China, excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Macao Special Administrative Region. Cave tourism columns have been searched over to find out numbers, quality, opening time and spatial distribution, development themes, and ticket prices of show caves in China through Chinese karst cave database, scenic spot lists of Chinese provinces and cities, Tong Cheng web site (, Xin Xin travel web site (, and other related websites and newspapers. Analyzing these data by Excel and ArcGIS10.3 leads to the conclusions as follows,until July 2016, there are 364 show cave scenic areas and 344 show cave scenic spots (708 in total) in mainland China, including 177 A-grade show cave areas. And the distribution of them is across the nation,including 29 provincial administrative regions, except Shanghai and Ningxia. Show cave scenic areas play an important role in tourism. They include 2 parts in world natural heritage, 6 parts in world geological park, 24 parts in national geological park and 26 parts in national scenic area. The opening of show cave areas (spots) began in the 1970s and has a history of more than 40 years. From 1980 to 2008, many show cave areas (spots) have been developed, with fragmented time distribution. Regional karst geological backgrounds and economic development levels are different. The spatial distribution of show cave scenic areas (spots) has a trend of condensation, especially in the southwest, middlesouth, southern and eastern part of China. The developing themes of show cave scenic areas can be summarized as geological tourism, historic sites, religious activities, health care, under-ground river rafting, science education, and other creative types. Ticket prices of 5A-, 4A-, 3A-, and 2A-grade show cave scenic areas are 129, 86.16, 53.09, and 37.19 yuan RMB, respectively, and are higher than other ordinary scenic areas with same grades.
Key words:
- show cave scenic areas(spots) /
- statistical analysis /
- China
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