[1] |
Smith K S,Ferry J G.Prokaryotic carbonic anhydrases[J].FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2000,24:335-366.
[2] |
刘再华.碳酸酐酶对碳酸盐岩溶解的催化作用及其在大气CO2沉降中的意义 [J].地球学报, 2001, 22(5): 477-480.
[3] |
Li W, Yu L J, Wu Y, et al. Enhancement of Ca2+ release from limestone by microbial extracellular carbonic anhydrase[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2007,98:950-953.
[4] |
Xiao L, Hao J, Wang W, et al. The up-regulation of carbonic anhydrase genes of Bacillus mucilaginosus under soluble Ca2+ deficiency and the heterologously expressed enzyme promotes calcite dissolution[J]. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2014,31(7):632-641.
[5] |
Li W, Yu L J, Wu Y, et al.D X. Enhancement of Ca2+ release from limestone by microbial extracellular carbonic anhydrase[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2007,98:950-953.
[6] |
李为,贾丽萍,余龙江,等.小同种类微生物及其碳酸酐酶对土壤-灰岩系统钙镁锌元素迁移作用的土柱模拟实验研究[J].土壤, 2007,39(3):453-459.
[7] |
丁丽君,连宾.碳酸钙微生物风化试验研究[J].中国岩溶,2008,27 (3):197-200.
[8] |
Li W, Zhou P P, Jia L P, et al. Limestone dissolution induced by fungal mycelia, acidic materials, and carbonic anhydrase from fungi[J]. Mycopathologia, 2009,167:37-46.
[9] |
Zhang Y M, Cao T Pan B R. A review on the studies of bryophyte ecology in arid and semi-arid areas[J].Acta Ecol Sin, 2002,22(7):1129-1134.
[10] |
张朝晖.贵阳市苔藓植物的生物岩溶溶蚀初探[J].贵州师范大学学报:自然科学版.2010, 28(4):140-143.
[11] |
曹建华,袁道先.石生藻类、地衣、苔藓与碳酸盐岩持水性及生态意义[J].地球化学,1999,28(3): 248-255.
[12] |
Jiang Z C, Yuan D X.CO2 source sink in karst processes in karst areas of China[J].Episodes,1999,22(1):33-35.
[13] |
吴沿友,李西腾,郝建朝,等.不同植物的碳酸酐酶活力差异研究[J].广西植物, 2006, 26(4):366-369.
[14] |
中国科学院昆明植物研究所.苔藓植物 苔纲 角苔纲[M].北京:科学出版社,2000.
[15] |
[16] |
[17] |
Brownell,P F,Bielig,L M,Grof,C P L.Increased Carbonic Anhydrase Activity in Leaves of Sodium-Deficient C4 Plants[J]. Functional Plant Biology, 1991, 18(6):589-592.
[18] |
郝建朝,吴沿友,连宾,等.土壤多酚氧化酶性质研究及意义[J].土壤通报, 2006, 37(3):470-474.
[19] |
[20] |
Stark D D, Moss A A, Brasch R C, et al. Neuroblastoma: diagnostic imaging and staging.[J]. Radiology, 1983, 148(1):101-512.
[21] |
[22] |
刘再华,袁道先.中国典型表层岩溶系统的地球化学动态特征及其环境意义[J].地质论评, 2000, 46(3):324-327.
[23] |
Mayaba N, Beckett R P. Increased activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase are not the mechanism of desiccation tolerance induced by hardening in the moss Atrichum androgynum[J]. Journal of Bryology, 2003, 25(4):281-286.
[24] |
陈朝辉,方国祥.岩溶山区土壤形成机制与石山改造利用[J].中国岩溶, 1997,16(4):393-396.
[25] |
杨胜天,朱启疆.论喀斯特环境中土壤退化的研究[J].中国岩溶, 1999, 18(2):169-176.
[26] |
曹建华,潘根兴,袁道先.柠檬酸对石灰岩溶蚀动力模拟及岩溶意义[J].中国岩溶, 2001, 20(1):1-4.
[27] |
Smith K S, Jakubzick C , Whittam T S, et al. Carbonic anhydrase is an ancient enzyme wide spread in prokaryotes.[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1999, 96(26):151-849.
[28] |
Smith K S,Ferry J G.Prokaryotic carbonic anhydrases[J].FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 2000,24:335-366.
[29] |
刘再华.碳酸酐酶对碳酸盐岩溶解的催化作用及其在大气CO2沉降中的意义 [J].地球学报, 2001, 22(5): 477-480.
[30] |
Li W, Yu L J, Wu Y, et al. Enhancement of Ca2+ release from limestone by microbial extracellular carbonic anhydrase[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2007,98:950-953.
[31] |
Xiao L, Hao J, Wang W, et al. The up-regulation of carbonic anhydrase genes of Bacillus mucilaginosus under soluble Ca2+ deficiency and the heterologously expressed enzyme promotes calcite dissolution[J]. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2014,31(7):632-641.
[32] |
Li W, Yu L J, Wu Y, et al.D X. Enhancement of Ca2+ release from limestone by microbial extracellular carbonic anhydrase[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2007,98:950-953.
[33] |
李为,贾丽萍,余龙江,等.小同种类微生物及其碳酸酐酶对土壤-灰岩系统钙镁锌元素迁移作用的土柱模拟实验研究[J].土壤, 2007,39(3):453-459.
[34] |
丁丽君,连宾.碳酸钙微生物风化试验研究[J].中国岩溶,2008,27 (3):197-200.
[35] |
Li W, Zhou P P, Jia L P, et al. Limestone dissolution induced by fungal mycelia, acidic materials, and carbonic anhydrase from fungi[J]. Mycopathologia, 2009,167:37-46.
[36] |
Zhang Y M, Cao T Pan B R. A review on the studies of bryophyte ecology in arid and semi-arid areas[J].Acta Ecol Sin, 2002,22(7):1129-1134.
[37] |
张朝晖.贵阳市苔藓植物的生物岩溶溶蚀初探[J].贵州师范大学学报:自然科学版.2010, 28(4):140-143.
[38] |
曹建华,袁道先.石生藻类、地衣、苔藓与碳酸盐岩持水性及生态意义[J].地球化学,1999,28(3): 248-255.
[39] |
Jiang Z C, Yuan D X.CO2 source sink in karst processes in karst areas of China[J].Episodes,1999,22(1):33-35.
[40] |
吴沿友,李西腾,郝建朝,等.不同植物的碳酸酐酶活力差异研究[J].广西植物, 2006, 26(4):366-369.
[41] |
中国科学院昆明植物研究所.苔藓植物 苔纲 角苔纲[M].北京:科学出版社,2000.
[42] |
[43] |
[44] |
Brownell,P F,Bielig,L M,Grof,C P L.Increased Carbonic Anhydrase Activity in Leaves of Sodium-Deficient C4 Plants[J]. Functional Plant Biology, 1991, 18(6):589-592.
[45] |
郝建朝,吴沿友,连宾,等.土壤多酚氧化酶性质研究及意义[J].土壤通报, 2006, 37(3):470-474.
[46] |
[47] |
Stark D D, Moss A A, Brasch R C, et al. Neuroblastoma: diagnostic imaging and staging.[J]. Radiology, 1983, 148(1):101-512.
[48] |
[49] |
刘再华,袁道先.中国典型表层岩溶系统的地球化学动态特征及其环境意义[J].地质论评, 2000, 46(3):324-327.
[50] |
Mayaba N, Beckett R P. Increased activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase are not the mechanism of desiccation tolerance induced by hardening in the moss Atrichum androgynum[J]. Journal of Bryology, 2003, 25(4):281-286.
[51] |
陈朝辉,方国祥.岩溶山区土壤形成机制与石山改造利用[J].中国岩溶, 1997,16(4):393-396.
[52] |
杨胜天,朱启疆.论喀斯特环境中土壤退化的研究[J].中国岩溶, 1999, 18(2):169-176.
[53] |
曹建华,潘根兴,袁道先.柠檬酸对石灰岩溶蚀动力模拟及岩溶意义[J].中国岩溶, 2001, 20(1):1-4.
[54] |
Smith K S, Jakubzick C , Whittam T S, et al. Carbonic anhydrase is an ancient enzyme wide spread in prokaryotes.[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1999, 96(26):151-849.