Relationship between north Ji’nan geothermal water and Ji’nan spring water revealed by hydrogeochemical characteristics
摘要: 以济南北部地热田地热水及济南泉域岩溶地下水、泉水为研究对象,通过分析常规离子、微量元素及同位素,探讨了地热水的成因机理、补径排及地热水与上游泉域岩溶地下水、泉水的水力联系。研究认为,研究区地热水与岩溶地下水、泉水为同源补给,地热水属海相含盐沉积岩溶滤水。通过对氢氧稳定同位素和氚同位素法测年结果的分析,初步判定现代大气降水为地热水的主要补给来源。14C法测年结果分析表明,地热水接受更新世古降水补给,地热水为古降水和现代大气降水的混合水。Abstract: The north Ji’nan geothermal field is located in the northern part of Ji’nan City, Shandong Province. It also lies to the north of the Ji’nan spring region boundary and Bai spring region boundary. The north Ji’nan geothermal field, Ji’nan spring region and Bai spring region all belong to the first-class karst groundwater system of Ji’nan monocline structure hydrogeological division. The geothermal reservoir types in the north Ji’nan geothermal field are dominated by Ordovician limestone fractured karst stratified and zoned reservoirs, which are controlled by fault structures. Geothermal water mainly occurs in the Ordovician limestone thermal reservoirs. Based on analyzing the conventional chemical components, trace elements and isotopes, this paper studied the genesis mechanism of geothermal water in the north Ji’nan geothermal field, Shandong Province, as well as its recharge, runoff and discharge. The relationships between geothermal water, karst groundwater and spring water are also discussed. The methods used in this paper include the ion component rose diagram, hydrogeochemical stratigraphic section, Piper diagram, hydrogeochemical characteristic coefficient, Tritium isotope dating, and 14C dating. Research indicates that geothermal water, karst groundwater and spring water have the same supply source. Geothermal water has characteristics of dissolved water and belongs to marine sedimentary rock dissolved water. The analysis results of stable isotopes of hydrogen-oxygen and Tritium dating show that geothermal water is modern water, and modern atmospheric precipitation is its main recharge source. According to 14C dating, geothermal water was recharged by Pleistocene precipitation and attributed to the mixture of modernistic and ancient atmospheric precipitation. Research indicates that north Ji’nan geothermal field geothermal water and Ji’nan spring water are closely linked, both of which receive the southern mountain precipitation recharge. The runoff conditions and the sealing degree of hydrological geochemical environment have great difference between the eastern and western parts of the north Ji’nan geothermal field.
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