Evaluation on effect of small catchment comprehensive control in karst rocky desertification areas based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method: A case study of the Chenjiazhai catchment in Puding county, Guizhou Province
摘要: 通过建立石漠化综合治理效益的评价指标体系,采集研究区治理前后环境、经济、社会等各项指标数据,运用模糊综合评价法对贵州省普定县陈家寨小流域综合治理效益进行了评价。研究结果表明:经过综合治理,研究区社会、经济得到了发展,生态环境明显改善。由于在洼地沟谷地带发展高效山地农业,种植辣椒、秋葵、何首乌、半夏、丹参等经济作物,人均收入和劳动生产率大幅提升,资金产投比和土地生产率提升明显,农产品商品率有所增加。通过对研究区山地坡面开展林分改造,林草覆盖率有所提高,土壤侵蚀模数和石漠化面积比例减少,贫困发生率、农村恩格尔系数和文盲率有所下降。研究区综合治理之后,经济效益评价等级由“差”变成了“中”,生态效益由“差”变成了“良”,社会效益仍然处于“差”,综合效益评价由“差”到“中”,其中经济效益增幅最大,这主要得益于小流域内利用道路积蓄雨水、修建集水池等抗旱设施,有效地解决了研究区的灌溉问题。Abstract: The Chenjiazhai catchment is located on the right bank of the Sancha river, the upper reaches of Wujiang river, northeast of Puding county, Anshun City, Guizhou Province, about 8.5 km to Puding county. Its highest elevation is 1,485 m, and the area is characterised by typical peak-cluster depression landforms in the karst plateau of central Guizhou Province. Based on the Puding karst ecosystem observation and research station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the slope water system facilities including road surface water collection, ditch diversion and water storage pool, which rely on the water conservancy technology and networked micro-irrigation technology, were constructed in the Chenjiazhai catchment. In order to improve the reliability and scientificity of comprehensive control measures, and to provide scientific basis for the government to make macro policy decision for the karst rocky desertification control, the effect of comprehensive control in the Chenjiazhai catchment was evaluated by establishing an index system and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The data of environmental, economic and social indicators before and after the comprehensive control show that the social economy has been developed and the ecological environment improved obviously after comprehensive management in the study area. Due to the development of high-efficiency mountainous agriculture by planting Capsicum annuum, Abelmoschus esculentus L.Moench, Fallopia multiflora (Thunb.) Harald, Pinellia temata (Thunb.) Breit.and Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. in valleys, the per capita income, labor productivity, capital investment ratio and land productivity have been enhanced greatly. The commodity ratio of agricultural products and the coverage of forest and grass increased, with the soil erosion modulus and rocky desertification area decreased through the forest transformation on slopes. Poverty incidence, rural Engel coefficient and illiteracy ratio declined. According to the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, after the comprehensive control, the economic benefit level turned from "poor" to "medium", ecological benefit level turned from "poor" to "good", social benefit level remains "poor", and the comprehensive evaluation level turned from "poor" to "medium", which suggests that the comprehensive control of the karst rocky desertification in Chenjiazhai catchment has been to a certain extent successful. The economic benefit increased at the highest rate, which was benefited from the drought-resisting facilities as the use of road surface water and ponding water for irrigation purpose in the study area. The high-efficient usage of water resources and flood storage technology in the study area have played a model role in drought resistance and mountain efficient agriculture development in karst areas.
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