Evolution features of rocky desertification and influence factors in karst areas of southwest China in the 21st century
摘要: 文章通过分析西南岩溶地区石漠化面积遥感调查结果和相关统计资料,揭示了21世纪以来石漠化时空演变特征和影响因素。2015年,我国西南岩溶地区石漠化总面积降至9.2万km2,石漠化演变的总趋势由21世纪以前的加剧变化为21世纪的逐渐减缓,而且,西南岩溶区石漠化程度显著变轻,由21世纪初的以重、中度石漠化为主演变为以轻、中度石漠化为主,危害最大的重度石漠化面积比例由38.08%降至15.31%,说明石漠化趋势得到有效遏制。但石漠化演变存在较大的区域差异,主要与国家实施植被修复工程力度、影响植被恢复的岩溶地貌类型、地下水开发程度、雨水资源以及区域经济条件密切相关。植被建设规划面积与石漠化减少面积成正比,生态经济条件相对较好的峰林平原和溶丘洼地石漠化治理效果最好,地下水开发和比较丰沛的雨量可有力促进植被恢复和经济发展,居民贫困化可使石漠化恶化。Abstract: This work is based on the analysis of both remote sense results of rocky desertification area and the relative statistics data. The purpose is to reveal the temporal and spatial evolution features and the influence factors of rocky desertification in karst areas of southwest China in the 21st century. The total area of rocky desertification in karst areas of southwest China decreased to 920,000 km2in 2015 from 1,135,000 km2 in 2000. Therefore, the general tendency of rocky desertification in karst areas of southwest China is gradual decline, while it was increase from 1989 to 1999 before the 21st century. Moreover, the rocky desertification degree in karst areas of southwest China is getting lighter,which changed from the heavy and middle ones in the early 21st century into the light and middle ones in 2015. Ratio of the serious heavy rocky desertification was 38.08% in 2000, and decreased to 15.31% in 2015, which shows that the tendency of rocky desertification in karst areas has been suppressed effectively. However, the rocky desertification evolution has a large regional difference and a close relationship with the vegetation rehabilitation strength, karst landform classifications, exploitation of ground water resources, rainfall distribution and poverty degree of the local people. The vegetation rehabilitation plan area has a positive relation with the decreased area of rocky desertification. There are better treatment effects of rocky desertification in the peak forest plain and the solution hill depression due to their relatively good ecological and economic conditions. The exploitation of karst groundwater resources can promote the forestation effects, while vegetation naturally restored more quickly in the regions with abundant rainfall. And the poverty of local people may lead to increase of the rocky desertification area.
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