Discoveries of Ailuropoda-Stegodon Fauna from Shuanghe Cave
摘要: 对贵州省境内的双河洞历次科考中发现的第四纪动物群化石进行初步研究和总结,认为目前对双河洞第四纪动物群研究尚处于起步阶段,化石的发现者都是洞穴科考专家,古生物知识相对欠缺且重视不够是洞穴化石研究进展缓慢的原因。为了加快双河洞第四纪动物群的研究进程,以今年中法联合科考过程中发现的大熊猫-剑齿象动物群化石为样本,采用ICP-MS铀系定年方法对这批大熊猫骨骼化石碳酸盐岩包裹物的年龄进行测试,结果表明该化石群化石距今6.75万年,初步判定此动物群可能生存于中更新世-晚更新世早期。这批哺乳动物化石及其地层信息将为贵州(尤其是黔北)第四纪的研究提供重要资料。Abstract: In this paper, the status quo of Quaternary fauna fossils in Shuanghe Cave in the course of the previous expeditions and in Guizhou province was overviewed. Research on Quaternary fauna in the Shuanghe Cave in Suiyang County is still in its infancy, and reasons were discussed. In order to accelerate the research process, the discovery of Ailuropoda-Stegodon fauna fossils in the cave with a Sino-French joint expedition this year was reported. The result from uranium series dating (ICP-MS) shows that the carbonate inclusion of the panda fossils can be dated back to 6.75 million years ago. It was suggested that this fauna might survive in the Middle Pleistocene-early Late Pleistocene. The Pleistocene mammalian fossils and associated stratigraphic data will provide important information to the Quaternary study in Guizhou,especially in northern Guizhou.
Key words:
- Shuanghe Cave /
- fossil /
- Ailuropoda-Stegodon Fauna /
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