Research on influential factors of the karst collapse in the Tailai Basin of Shandong Province
摘要: 岩溶塌陷地质灾害的发生是一个复杂的、多因素共同作用的过程。塌陷虽然受多种因素的影响,但不外乎可溶岩类岩溶发育程度、覆盖层特征和动力条件(主要是地下水动力条件)3个基本因素。文章在总结和分析前人研究的基础上,结合最新调查成果,对影响岩溶塌陷的3个基本因素逐一分解,揭示了各因素对岩溶塌陷的影响和作用规律,探讨了岩溶塌陷地质灾害与其主要影响因素的相关关系:质纯厚层的石灰岩分布区岩溶塌陷最为发育,地质构造对岩溶塌陷具有明显的控制作用;研究区内主要岩溶塌陷区的覆盖层以多元结构为主,其次为一元结构和二元结构,区内岩溶塌陷发生于覆盖层厚度小于30 m的区域;岩溶地下水位在基岩面上下波动时最易引发岩溶塌陷,岩溶塌陷点数量的自然对数与岩溶地下水位变幅近似呈线型正相关,塌陷点数量与岩溶地下水开采模数的自然对数值近似呈指数型正相关。Abstract: The geologic disaster of karst collapse is a complicated process controlled by multiple factors. Though the karst collapse is influenced by many factors, it is largely controlled by the degree of karstification,the characteristics of overburden layers and the dynamic conditions (mainly groundwater dynamic condition). On the basis of previous studies and the latest investigation,this paper has analyzed the 3 influential factors and reveals the impact conditions and function on karst collapses. Results show that,(1) the karst collapses mostly develop in the locality with thick-layered limestone of high purity, while geological structure has an obvious control on the karst collapse; (2) the karst collapses in the study area mainly occur in Quaternary strata with multiple structures, followed by quaternary strata with unitary structure and dualistic structures. Moreover, karst the collapse occurred in the area of quaternary strata are less than 30 meters in thickness; (3) the karst collapse most frequently happen at where the cavern water level fluctuates around the bedrock surface. There is an approximately linear positive correlation between the natural logarithm of the karst collapse number and changes in cavern water level; there is also an approximately exponential positive correlation between the karst collapse number and natural logarithm of the exploitation modulus of cavern water. This paper can provide scientific basis for the integrated control of karst collapse in the study area.
Key words:
- karst collapse /
- influencing factors /
- correlations /
- geological hazard /
- Tailai Basin
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