Impact of agricultural tourism activities on microbial community structure of soil in karst area:A case research of Tongliang district of Chongqing Huangjuemen Qicaimengyuan
摘要: 开展农业旅游活动对土壤生态环境影响的专题研究,可为休闲农业旅游区的合理开发和有效保护提供理论基础,为评估未来农业旅游活动对环境的影响提供科学依据。本文以重庆市铜梁区黄桷门奇彩梦园为例,通过对游步道两侧的土壤进行调查采样,并运用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFAs)谱图分析法,研究了土壤微生物群落组成、受农业旅游活动影响的距离及其受冲击程度。结果显示:微生物群落结构受冲击范围在4 m以内(p<0.01),微生物生物量在土壤中的分布随着离游径的距离变小而明显下降趋势;在受农业旅游活动冲击的范围内细菌、革兰氏阳性细菌、革兰氏阴性菌、真菌的生物量随着离游径的距离变小而明显下降,放线菌在部分样区表现出该规律,原生动物无此规律;对所测PLFAs数据进行多样性和冲击指数分析后得出假单胞菌(16:0)受影响程度最大,节杆菌(17:0)受影响程度最小,受冲击程度大小与该微生物在生物总量中所占的比重呈正相关;农业旅游活动对土壤微生物群落结构造成了破坏,土壤生态系统的稳定性已受到冲击。Abstract: To conduct the matic studies on the impact of agricultural tourism on the ecological environment of soil can provide a theoretical basis for rational development of leisure agriculture tourism and provide a scientific basis for assessing the impact of future agri-tourism activities on the environment.For this study, soil samples were collected on both sides of tour trail in Qicaimengyuan of TongLiang Huangjuemen. Through field investigation, sampling and sample analysis by using phospholipid fatty acid spectrum graph method (PLFAs), the community &composition of soil microorganisms, impact range of agri-tourism and its degree of impact were investigated in this study.The results show that impact range on microbial community structure falls within 4 m (p<0.01),while the soil microbial biomass clearly declines in the direction to the tour trails. Within the scope of that impact of agricultural tourism,the similar tendency between the biomass and touring range commonly occurs in bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria and fungi with the distance from the smaller trails have a clear downward trend.This biomass decline also happens in actinomycetes in some areas, but not in protozoa.The analytical results of biodiversity and impact indexes,with data derived from PLFAs analysis, show that Burkholderia bacteria (19: 0 cyclo w8c) is most likely to be affected by the tourism activity, whereas arthrobacter [18: 3 w6c (6,9,12)] is the least affected.And the impact degree is closely related to the percentage of microorganism in the total biomass.The research indicates that agri-tourism activities have caused damage to soil microbial community structure and have affected soil ecological stability.
Key words:
- karst region /
- agricultural tourism /
- soil microbial community structure
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