Identifying methods of karst aquifer system structure in South China
摘要: 岩溶含水系统因其含水介质的高度不均匀性和各向异性而难以刻画。文章选取鄂西岩溶槽谷区典型的岩溶含水系统为研究对象,基于野外地面调查、裂隙测量、洞穴探测、多源高精度地下水示踪试验、地下水动态监测等传统手段,结合新技术、新方法来综合查明岩溶含水系统的结构,探讨岩溶含水系统的边界结构、岩溶发育主控方向、介质空间结构的识别方法,最终刻画出岩溶含水系统结构的概念模型。文章的研究成果旨在为岩溶山区1∶5万水文地质调查工作思路与方法应用提供参考,为提高全国新一轮1∶5万水文地质调查成果的精度与质量做贡献。Abstract: Karst aquifer system is difficult to delineate owing to its high heterogeneity and anisotropy within the aquifer media. An effort was made to characterize a typical karst trough valley area in Western Hubei Province based on a 1∶50,000 scale hydrogeological survey. In this paper we discuss the boundary, main flow channel, medium types and the spatial characteristic of karst aquifer system using multiple traditional methods and new techniques, such as field survey, fissure measurement, cave detection, groundwater tracer test, groundwater dynamic monitoring, and etc. Finally, we developed a conceptual model of the karst aquifer system. This work was aimed to provide new ideas and techniques for 1∶50,000 scale hydrogeology survey in karst area which would contribute to improving the precision and quality of hydrogeological survey results nationwide.
Key words:
- karst aquifer system /
- identifying methods /
- hydrogeological survey /
- tracer test /
- dynamic monitoring
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