Influence factors and mathematical models of karst collapses
摘要: 文章分析了国内外岩溶塌陷形成机理的研究现状,指出岩溶塌陷机制的多样性以及成因的复杂性;介绍了岩溶塌陷的三个基本条件,以及分析了岩溶发育、地下水位降低、地下水补给、岩土性状、地质构造、人类活动等重要因素对岩溶塌陷的影响机理;介绍了岩溶塌陷的相关数学模型研究的理论和方法,以及相关物理模型现阶段进展。展望岩溶塌陷的进一步研究方向,应着眼于结合多领域综合分析,完善定量研究体系和模型试验的功能。如今岩溶地区地下资源开采日益增多,通过对岩溶塌陷的形成机理和预测技术的基础性研究,深度了解岩溶塌陷的特征规律,既是社会发展需求,也具有推进相关领域学术研究的意义。Abstract: This paper reviewed the latest researches on mechanisms of karst collapses , and indicated the variety of the mechanisms and complexity of causes. Three basic conditions for karst collapses were presented, and some influential factors were discussed, such as karst development, lowering of groundwater table, groundwater recharge, rock and soil properties, geological structure, and human activities as well. The relevant theories and methods of mathematical simulation of karst collapses and present progress of related physical models were introduced to help evaluate karst collapses properly. It is suggested that further research should be focused on the integrated multi-discipline analysis ,the improvement of quantitative research methods and the function of model experiments. In karst areas, the underground resources exploitation is now increasing. Basic research on the formation mechanisms and prediction technology of karst collapses will help to have a better understanding of the characteristics of karst collapses, which is not only the requirement of regional socio-economic development, but also significant to the promotion of the related academic research.
Key words:
- karst /
- collapse /
- genetic mechanism /
- influence factors /
- mathematical model /
- model experiment
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