Formation mechanism and development process of karst collapses in Tanluo town of Nanning City
摘要: 岩溶塌陷是岩溶区较为常见的地质灾害,对其成因机制的研究有助于针对性的进行综合防治。为了弄清2012年6月在广西南宁市坛洛镇连续发生的岩溶塌陷的成因及发育机制,在塌陷群发生地区开展了现场调查、地球物理勘探、水文地质工程地质钻探、地下水动态长期监测、岩土样测试等多项工作。结果表明,坛洛岩溶塌陷群是各种不良因素共同作用的产物。其致塌因素主要包括特殊的“水-土-岩”组合及人为活动。研究区地下水位埋深较浅,土体结构以粘性土为主,渗透系数较低且易崩解,地下岩溶极为发育。高强度的人工地下水开采活动是坛洛岩溶塌陷的诱因。深入分析其发育机理,认为塌陷群是渗流潜蚀效应、增荷失托效应和水位波动产生的气压差效应等3个力学效应综合作用下发生的,其致塌模式是重力致塌、潜蚀致塌、真空吸蚀致塌和冲爆致塌等4种模式的相互结合。根据岩溶塌陷的发生顺序推断坛洛镇岩溶塌陷群的发育过程可分为缓慢发育—塌陷诱发—塌陷集中爆发3个阶段,各阶段的主要地质营力有所不同。Abstract: Karst collapse is a common geohazard in karst areas. Proper study on its formation mechanism may help to prevent and control those incidents. In June 2012, a cluster of karst collapses happened in Tanluo town of Nanning City, with 19 collapse pits occurred in 26 days. In order to understand the formation and development mechanism of Tanluo Karst Collapse Cluster (TKCC), many works including field investigation, geophysical exploration, hydrogeological and engineering geological drilling, dynamic groundwater monitoring, rocks and soil sample tests were carried out. The results indicated that multiple adverse factors that had contributed to the development of the TKCC, of which the specific water-soil-rock interaction and human activities were the major ones. Groundwater is shallow in the study area. The topsoil is cohesive with low permeability and easy to collapse. The underground karst is well developed. However, the TKCC was induced by overexploitation of groundwater. Further investigation shows that the formation and occurrence of the TKCC was contributed by the coupled effect of creep seepage, increased load and water level fluctuation which resulted in hydraulic pressure difference. The collapse patterns are the combination of gravitation-, erosion-, vacuum cavitation-and burst-collapses. Based on the occurrence sequence of the karst collapses, it is inferred that the development process of the TKCC can be divided into three phases and each stage has its different development mechanism. The original soil balance was destroyed by different types of geologic forces so that the karst collapse could happen.
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