Review on cave tourism security at home and abroad
摘要: 安全是洞穴旅游的生命线,是洞穴旅游活动正常开展的前提和保障。利用CNKI、维普数据、Springer Link、Elsevier SDOL、EBSCO、SAGE JOURNALS、Wiley等中外文数据库并结合纸质文献,共获得与洞穴旅游安全相关的文献79篇。通过文献梳理发现:洞穴旅游安全是一个研究时间短暂的新兴学术领域,至今仅有25年的研究历史;研究成果较为分散,主题不突出,现有研究成果多属于洞穴或洞穴旅游研究中的“捎带”成果,至今尚无以洞穴旅游安全为主题的独立研究成果;现有研究成果主要涉及洞穴旅游安全的表现、影响因素以及对策等领域,研究内容限于浅表层次;研究尺度以微观为主。洞穴旅游安全作为洞穴旅游的新分支,是一个新的研究领域,在未来应综合运用洞穴学、安全学、旅游学等的相关理论与方法,从确保洞穴旅游环境、旅游者、旅游从业者等安全的角度出发,扩展洞穴旅游安全研究的内容;近期可着重对其理论架构、安全认知、安全风险评估以及安全救援体系等展开研究。Abstract: To perform cave tourism activities successfully, the basic prerequisite and guarantee is safety. By searching previous literatures on CNKI, VIP, Springer link, Elsevier SDOL, EBSCO, SAGE JOURNALS, Wiley, and consulting documents from library, this paper collected 79 useful references which are related to cave tourism security. Through literature review, it was found that previous studies rarely focused on cave tourism security, which was a new academic field in cave tourism research and only began 25 years ago. So far, there is no systematic and theoretical research on cave tourism security. Previous research are mainly concerned with performance, influence factors, countermeasures of cave tourism security, which is superficial and the study scale is mostly too small. As a new branch of cave tourism, the study of cave tourism security should make use of theories and methods from other disciplines, such as speleology, security science, and tourism. To ensure the security of cave environment, tourists and practitioners, comprehensive studies, such as theoretical framework, tourist cave flood control, security cognition, risk assessment, rescue system of cave tourism security are crucially demanded.
Key words:
- cave tourism /
- show cave /
- security risk /
- security accident /
- research review
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