A quantitative approach to distinct baseflow and quickflow based on the spring hydrograph analysis
摘要: ??根据岩溶含水系统的双重特性,岩溶含水系统出口处泉流量可分为三个组成部分—前期蓄水量,快速径流和慢速径流,将快速径流和慢速径流视为两线性并联水库,经过系统的调蓄作用,得到一个单位降雨脉冲下快速流和慢速流的响应函数,建立了前期降雨和瞬时单位线之间的识别函数,识别降雨在岩溶不同空隙类型中的水量分配系数。将该函数模型应用到后寨河岩溶小流域,通过参数识别,结果表明从上游到下游前期蓄水量呈现增加的趋势,而水量进入到管道中的分配系数呈现递减的趋势,说明岩溶裂隙结构越往下游越发育,这一研究结果和实际情况相符,说明该模型有一定的适应性,但由于模型假设岩溶系统是线性变化的,所以该模型不适用于大流域以及长期的泉流量预测。Abstract: The spring hydrograph is composed of the cumulative rainfall, baseflow, and quick flow based on the characteristic of the karstic aquifer. A linear convolution integral model is applied to distinguish the quick flow and slow flow component of a karst spring hydrograph. Different from the traditional unit hydrograph methods, the two parallel reservoirs are used to derive the unit response functions for quick and slow components of spring hydrograph. The method also provides an estimation of the parptitioning coefficient assigned to the reservoirs. The work is demonstrated by a case application to the Houzhai underground river in southwestern of China. The result shows that the proportion of conduit flow is smaller from the upstream to the downstream. However, this approach is not established in the large basin or the long- term forecast of the spring discharge.
Key words:
- karstic aquifer, spring hydrograph /
- baseflow /
- quickflow /
- composite function /
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