R mode analysis for influencing factors of karst groundwater quality in middle and upper reaches of the Hongshuihe river
摘要: 为了了解红水河中上游流域地下水污染情况,并对其进行防治与管理,利用R型因子分析法对红水河中上游流域的130组水化学数据进行分析,识别出影响区内岩溶地下水水质的因子3个。因子1以Ca2+、HCO3-、总硬度和溶解性总固体为主,反映了水-岩作用(碳酸盐溶解)对地下水水化学组分的影响;因子2以K++Na+、Cl-和NO3-为主,揭示了农业污染(农药、化肥、牲畜粪便等)和生活废水对农业区地下水水化学组分的影响;因子3以Mg2+、SO42-和F-为主,反映了工矿业污染对北部矿区地下水水化学组分的影响。结果表明,因子1、因子2和因子3与人类活动密切相关,今后应加强监管和防治。Abstract: To control and manage for groundwater contamination in the middle and upper reaches of the Hongshuihe river, Rmode factor analysis was conducted on 130 samples from this area. Three main factors which affect the quality of karst groundwater are recognized in study area. The first main factor is dominated by Ca2+, HCO3- , total hardness and total dissolved solids, which shows the water-rock interaction. The second factor is made up of K++Na+, Cl- and NO3-, which reflects agricultural pollution and domestic wastewater in the agricultural area, such as pesticide, fertilizer, and animal waste. The third factor is composed of Mg2+, SO42-and F-, which reflects industrial and mining pollution in the northern mine area. The results show that these three factors are closely related to human activities, which would be monitored and controlled more strictly in the future.
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