The band ratio and density slice method based on RapidEye remote sensing images and its application to investigation of karst rocky desertification:A case study in Heqing county, Yunnan Province
摘要: 高分辨率遥感图像是大比例尺石漠化遥感解译工作的重要信息源。文章以云南省鹤庆县为研究区,采用2011年RapidEye多光谱遥感影像,在对灰岩与针叶林—草体混合标准光谱曲线及不同裸岩率亮度值剖面曲线分析的基础上,运用波段比值法和密度分割法,结合野外现场踏勘和地理底图,开展大比例尺石漠化遥感解译,获得如下调查结果:全县石漠化面积为188.82 km2,占全县总面积的8.13%,占岩溶面积的25.48%,其中重度面积有10.31 km2,占石漠化总面积的5.46%,中度面积有42.28 km2,占石漠化总面积的22.39%,轻度面积有136.23 km2,占石漠化总面积的71.15%。野外验证石漠化等级判对率为84%,达到技术规范要求,这表明文章采用的方法可有效运用于大比例尺岩溶石漠化信息的提取。Abstract: Heqing county is located in northwestern Yunnan Province, the southwestern margin of the Yangzi platform, E 100°01′~100°29′ and N25°57′~26°42′, the southern end of the traverse mountains in western Yunnan and the east of the Yunling range. Karst mountainous plateaus and basin landforms dominate this region with a total land area of 2,323.54 km2, including exposed carbonate rock 741 km2, representing typical karst rocky desertification (KRD for short). The research on KRD is of great significance to soil erosion management and improvement of geological and ecological environments in Heqing county. The KRD interpretation based on high-resolution remote sensing images is one of the important methods in large-scale investigations to this phenomenon. At present, visual interpretation is still the main approach for KRD interpretation with high-resolution remote sensing images. To improve the accuracy and speed of the KRD interpretation, a method of band ratio and density slice for KRD investigation is proposed. This study took Heqing county as an example and RapidEye multispectral remote sensing image of 2011 as information source. On the basis of standard spectral curves of limestone and conifer-meadow mix, and combining with analyzing profile curves of different rock coverage DN values, we applied the band ratio and density slice method to investigation of large-scale KRD in Heqing county. After indoor interpretation, we went to the field to validate the accuracy of the interpretation results and modify them. At last, we obtained the KRD data of Heqing county. The investigation results show that the area of KRD in Heqing county is 188.82 km2, which accounts for 8.13% of the whole county area and 25.48% of the karst area. The area of severe KRD is 10.31 km2, which accounts for 5.46% of the total KRD area. The moderate KRD area is 42.28 km2, which accounts for 22.39% of the whole. And the mild KRD area is 136.23 km2, accounting for 71.15%. Through the field validation, the correct ratio of KRD interpretation is 84%, which can meet the interpretation demand and the technical specification. So it is concluded that the band ratio and density slice method can be applied to large-scale KRD remote sensing investigation effectively.
Key words:
- remote sensing interpretation /
- rocky desertification /
- density slice /
- band ratio
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