Progress of research on the response of information of karst cave drip water to ground conditions
摘要: 通过系统回顾国内外喀斯特洞穴滴水信息对地表环境响应的研究进展,结合全球气候变化、喀斯特环境演变与滴水理化指标的研究发展背景,把该领域的研究发展历程划分为萌芽期、缓慢发展期和高速增长期3个阶段。对滴水常规监测指标、稳定同位素及常/微量元素等指标的研究成果与认识进行了系统归纳,并对滴水响应外界大气、地表植被、洞穴上覆土壤以及洞顶基岩等4方面的研究进展进行总结。认为应当探究滴水的物质来源及其水文地球化学过程,加强对滴水信息环境指示的敏感性研究,深入认识滴水信息的环境响应机制,对洞穴系统综合环境要素开展监测等,同时指出运用滴水指标进行石漠化的相关研究比较薄弱,是未来研究的重点所在。Abstract: By reviewing domestic and foreign research progress on the response of information of karst cave drip water to ground conditions, coupled with the research background of global climate change, karst environmental evolution and drip water's physical and chemical indicators, this paper divides the history of this research into three stages: initial stage, slow development stage and rapid growth stage. This paper also systematically summarizes the research results and understandings of drip water's regular monitoring indicators, stable isotopes, major elements, trace elements, and so on. Meanwhile, it concluded the research progress of drip water's response to atmosphere, vegetation, soil and bedrock. It is suggested that the material resource and the hydro-geochemical process of drip water should be explored, the research for drip's sensitivity to indicate environment should be enhanced, the environment response mechanism of drip's information should be deeply probed and comprehensive environment elements of cave systems should be monitored. It is also pointed out that the research on the rocky desertification by drip water's indicators remains relatively weak now, which should be the focused topic in the future.
Key words:
- cave drip water /
- rocky desertification /
- environment /
- response /
- research progress
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