Evaluation and trend analysis of tourism ecological security in karst areas: A case study for Guangxi
摘要: 岩溶地区拥有丰富的旅游资源,但是生态环境相对脆弱,根据岩溶地区旅游发展的特点,以"压力-状态-响应"(PSR)模型为基础,同时从生态安全的概念出发,涵盖生态风险、生态健康和生态足迹指标,建立了岩溶地区旅游生态安全评价指标体系。调整的主要指标包括:土地压力指标、旅游经济密度、年平均气温和年平均降雨量指标、旅游空间密度、游客密度指数、旅游收入指标等。采用综合指数法和熵权法,分别引入2012年和2007年两年的数据,对广西岩溶地区旅游生态安全的现状、发展趋势及变化趋势的内在原因进行了分析。实证结果表明:(1)从现状评价看,2007、2012年广西岩溶地区旅游生态安全水平总体较低,处于安全级别的城市主要位于广西中部区域,其他城市则处于不安全级别;(2)从影响指标看,经济状态和旅游生态状态对当地的旅游生态安全影响较大;(3)从变化趋势看,广西岩溶地区旅游生态安全状态逐渐好转,广西中部地区保持安全状态,紧邻广西中部地区的地市处于持续危险区域,但综合指数呈上升趋势;梧州和贵港两个位于广西东部的城市同样处于持续危险区域,但是旅游生态安全综合指数呈小幅下降趋势;(4)旅游生态安全状态和趋势与岩溶分布没有显著的相关关系。Abstract: Karst areas are rich in tourism resources, but their natural environments are relatively fragile. According to the tourism development characteristics of Guangxi’s karst areas, this article takes a “pressure-status-response” (PSR) theoretical model, and uses the concept of ecological security including indicators of ecological risk, ecological health and ecological footprint to establish a model for the evaluation of tourism ecological security in a karst area. In the indicator system, karst landforms coverage is represented by ratio of carbonate rock outcrop area. Human activity pressure on the karst landforms is measured in per capita tourism ecological footprint. In addition, 6 new indicators were add into the evaluating indicator system, including tourism economic density, annual average temperature, annual average rainfall, tourism space density, tourist density, and tourist income.The comprehensive index method and the entropy weight method were employed to assess the status and trends of tourism ecological security in Guangxi’s karst areas for 2012 and 2007, and the underlying causes were analyzed for ecological security trends. The results show that,(1) In 2007 and 2012, the tourism ecological security in Guangxi’s karst areas was at a low level, central Guangxi was at a safe level, and other areas were at an unsafe level. (2) According to impact indicators, the differences in ecological security were due to factors including tourism ecological footprint per capita, urban greenbelt area per capita, nature reserve coverage percentage and tourist income per capita. So the economic status and tourism ecology status play an important role in local tourism ecological security. (3) Trends indicate that the tourism ecological security of Guangxi’s karst areas has been gradually improving, while central Guangxi has maintained a secure status and the areas adjacent to central Guangxi have maintained unsafe status. There has been an upward trend in the comprehensive index of tourism ecological security. Wuzhou and Guigang have also maintained an unsafe status, but their comprehensive index of tourism ecological security has a slight downward trend. (4) The tourism ecological security status and trends have no significant correlation with karst distribution.
Key words:
- karst area /
- tourism ecological security /
- PSR model /
- variation trend
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