Dynamic characteristics of water Level and hydro-ecological effects in Huixian karst wetland in Guilin
摘要: 会仙湿地是我国最大的岩溶湿地,具有重要的生态环境功能。近年来湿地面积萎缩、退化趋势显著,生态环境逐步恶化。从湿地水文过程的角度,基于野外定点监测数据,运用统计学方法研究了会仙湿地年季水位分布特征及其对降水的响应过程,分析了湿地内地下水与地表水的转换关系,并进一步讨论了湿地水位波动对生态环境的影响。结果表明:会仙湿地地表、地下水位存在显著的空间差异性,两者均对降水响应迅速,多峰多谷特征显著。湿地中部地表水位较边缘区稳定,各区地表水域相互贯通;地下水位变化受地势、降水、岩溶发育及第四系厚度等因素影响,表现出与地表水相似的变化特征,但其水位变幅自补给到排泄区逐渐降低。区内地表、地下水转换频繁、水力联系紧密,湿地地下水常年以一稳定强度补给地表水,是会仙湿地重要的补给水源。Pearson相关性分析表明,湿地地表水位与水体电导率呈显著负相关(R=-0.780 8),水位下降期间水体营养盐浓度增高,可能诱发水体富营养化;而湿地地下水位与浅层土壤含水量的相关性不显著,对湿地生境的扰动较小。Abstract: Huixian wetland is the largest karst wetland in China, which has important ecological and environmental functions. In recent years, the wetland has been shrinking and degrading significantly, and the ecological environment has gradually deteriorated. From the perspective of the hydrological process of wetland, based on the field fixed-point monitoring data, the seasonal water level distribution characteristics and its response to precipitation in Huixian Wetland were studied by statistical method. The conversion relationship between groundwater and surface water in wetland was analyzed, and the impact of fluctuation of wetland water level on ecological environment was further discussed. The results showed that the surface and groundwater levels of Huixian Wetland had significant spatial differences. Both of them responded rapidly to precipitation, and had significant multi-peak and multi-valley characteristics. The surface water level in the middle part of wetland was more stable than that in the marginal area, and the surface water areas in each area were connected with each other. The variation of groundwater level was affected by the topography, precipitation, karst development and Quaternary thickness, which showed similar characteristics to surface water, but the variation of water level gradually decreased from self-recharge to drainage area. Surface water and groundwater were closely related. Groundwater was an important recharge source for Huixian Wetland, which supplied surface water with a stable intensity all the year round. Pearson correlation analysis showed that there was a significant negative correlation between surface water level and water conductivity (R=-0.7808). The increase of nutrient concentration during the decline of water level may induce eutrophication of water body. However, the correlation between groundwater level and shallow soil water content was not significant, and the disturbance to wetland habitat was small.
Key words:
- karst wetland /
- surface water level /
- groundwater level /
- ecological effect
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