Karst water prospecting and emergency drought relief demonstration project in Jibi area on the edge of Luxi basin,Yunnan Province
摘要: 既比处于泸西盆地下游边缘,岩溶发育均匀性差,地表干旱,严重缺水,打井找水难度较大。文章论述了既比地区的水文地质条件、地下水分布赋存特征,介绍了岩溶区地下水勘查布井的工作方法;利用高密度电法、激电测深物探成果,结合水文地质调查成果,确定了井位,结果证实钻孔水量丰富。分析认为岩溶含水层富水性差异主要受溶隙充填、连通程度控制,总结出一套以岩溶水开发利用为龙头,抗旱与节水喷灌高效农业发展相结合的应急抗旱模式,经济效益显著。提出了开发利用地下水的管理措施建议。Abstract: Jibi is located on the lower edge of Luxi basin,with poor uniformity of karst development,and serious surface drought and water shortage,so it is difficult to find water by drilling wells. In this paper,we discusses the hydrogeological conditions, and the distribution and occurrence characteristics of groundwater in Jibi area,and introduces the working method of groundwater prospecting and well layout in karst area. The well location is determined by using high density resistivity method,IP sounding ,combined with hydrogeological survey results,and the result shows the borehole has abundant water. The analysis shows that the difference of water abundance of karst aquifer is mainly controlled by the filling of karst fissures and the connectivity of karst aquifers. Finally, we summarizes and put forward a set of emergency drought relief models based on the development and utilization of karst water as the main leader,combining drought resistance with water-saving sprinkler and high efficiency agricultural development,with significant economic benefits. We also put forward the suggestion on management measures for prospecting and utilization of groundwater.
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