Study on the humanistic driving framework based on territory space change in southwest karst mountainous area, China
摘要: 喀斯特山区是一种特殊的山地国土空间类型,系统识别其国土空间变化的人文驱动因素及作用机制,对于合理调控喀斯特山区人类活动的空间作用强度具有重要意义。喀斯特山区生态系统抗干扰能力差且高度脆弱,土地利用的空间异质性和尺度关联性强,非理性人类活动导致局部地区人地关系矛盾趋于尖锐化。通过论证,提出了社会经济、文化民俗、政策制度和人口变化是喀斯特山区国土空间利用变化的四大人文驱动因素,解析了喀斯特山区国土空间利用变化的多维人文因素作用方式。从土地管理者和土地使用者博弈的视角,遵循“驱动因素辨识—决策分析过程—行为作用结果—反馈路径环节”的思路,构建了喀斯特山区国土空间利用变化的人文驱动框架,为喀斯特山区国土空间优化和管控研究提供了新的理论视角。Abstract: Karst mountainous area is a special type of mountain land space. To identify anthropogenetic factors and their mechanism on the change of karst land is of great significance to properly regulate the intensity of human activities. The ecosystems in southwestern China karst mountainous area present poor anti-interference ability and are highly fragile. The spatial heterogeneity and scale correlation of land use are strong. Irrational human activities have led to a sharp conflict of man-land relationship in local areas. This paper put forward and analyzed the four human driving factors affecting the change of land space in the southwestern China karst mountains, which are social-economic development, folk culture and custom, policies and regulations, and population change. From game theoretical perspective between regulators and users and the idea of "Driver Factors Identification- Decision Analysis Process-Behavioral Results-Feedback Paths", this paper constructed a human driving framework for the change of land space in the karst mountains in southwest China. Accordingly, this study may provide a new theoretical perspective for the territory space optimization in karst mountain areas of China.
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