Spatial patterns and factors impacting settlements in Hongfeng lake watershed
摘要: 研究流域聚落空间格局特征及其分布规律,可以为聚落优化与调控提供依据。文章以红枫湖流域2000年、2005年、2010年3个时期的TM影像为主要数据,借助Erdas8.5、Arcgis9.3等软件提取出红枫湖流域内聚落、旅游、道路及河流等用地,划分聚落等级,并利用聚落面积百分比图和密度图分析流域内聚落的空间分布特征,同时划分道路、河流缓冲区并利用等高线形成坡度图来探讨流域聚落分布和道路、河流及地形地貌的关系。研究结果表明,红枫湖流域的聚落斑块数量和面积在增加,数量由852个增加到2 592个,面积由1 204.3 ha增加到4 200 ha;聚落平均密度由0.44个/km2上升到1.33个/km2;聚落百分比值较大和密度值高的地区都是平坦的坝地,聚落面积和聚落密度的空间分布、变化基本一致,面积小的聚落在快速增长,增加的聚落主要由耕地转换而来;聚落扩展方式主要是分散扩展、带状扩展、块状扩展;聚落的空间形态主要有散点式、干枝式、规则式;道路对聚落分布的影响力越来越大,而河流对聚落分布的影响却在逐渐减弱;居民点面积随着坡度的增大而减少,且25°~80°地区的聚落面积增长率持续上升。Abstract: This study aims to explore the spatial patterns of settlements and the underlying regional rules in the Hongfeng lake watershed, the results of which would provide a scientific basis for settlement optimization and regulation. Based on the Thematic Mapper (TM) images of Hongfeng lake watershed in 2000, 2005 and 2010, data for settlements, tourism-use areas, roads and rivers were extracted with the aid of Erdas8.5, ArcGIS9.3 software. The Hongfeng lake watershed was divided into a 1,000 m × 1,000 m grid with the percentage of settlements in each grid square calculated to determine settlement size-grade. The spatial distribution of settlements was converted to density figures using the Kernel Density function in Spatial Analyst Tools, and road and river buffer areas were determined. The results showed that in the Hongfeng lake watershed settlement numbers and area are rising (the number of settlement patches increased from 852 to 2,592, total area increased from 1,204.3 ha to 4,200 ha, and the average settlement density rose from 0.44/km2to 1.33/km2). A high area percentage of settlements and high settlement density are found in flat areas. Changes in the spatial distribution of the area of settlements and the settlement density are generally consistent. Small settlement patches grow rapidly. Settlement growth is mainly from farmland. Settlement expansion mainly occurs in scattered, banded and massive extensions. The spatial forms of the settlements are mostly scattered points, branches, and rules. Roads have a significant influence on settlement distribution. However, the influence of rivers is gradually declining. The total area of residential zones tends to decrease with increases in slope, but increases with the rate of settlement in 25°-80°areas.
Key words:
- settlements /
- Hongfeng lake /
- spatial patterns /
- roads /
- river /
- gradient
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