Boundary condition, water cycle and water environment changes in the Jinan spring region
摘要: 济南泉域是市区泉水的汇流及蓄水范围,在其北部城区中心地带出露趵突泉、黑虎泉、五龙潭和珍珠泉四大泉群。为更好地保护和利用济南泉域内岩溶地下水,文章对济南泉域的边界条件、岩溶主径流通道、地下水循环特征及水质变化几个敏感问题进行探讨。利用泉群流量相关分析、流场特征分析、回灌补源分析及自备井调查等手段,重新界定了济南泉域的东边界,将其北部透水段向东扩展至原边界以东约4 km。通过对钻孔岩溶分层统计及缓冲区分析,在山前地带沿党家庄-十六里河-千佛山断裂泉城公园方向地下埋深100~150 m发现一条补给四大泉群的岩溶地下水集中径流带。研究发现,五龙潭和珍珠泉以深循环为主,补给主要来自岩溶地下水,而趵突泉和黑虎泉同时受深循环和浅循环影响较大,趵突泉主要补给来自西部和南部岩溶地下水和地表水,除此以外黑虎泉在东南方向上还有一定量的岩溶地下水补给。目前岩溶水水质变差,南部岩溶裸露区,尤其水库河道周边地带,生态环境亟待治理。Abstract: The Jinan spring region is the area in Jinan City with spring flow and subterranean water storage. Four spring groups, namely, Baotu, Heihu, Wulongtan and Zhenzhu, are identified in the center of the northern city area. Protection of karst groundwater in the Jinan spring region is critical for sustainable utilization. In this paper, several sensitive aspects of the karst area, including boundary conditions, underground channels in karst, water cycle characteristics and changes in water quality are discussed using spring flow analysis, analysis of the flow field characteristics, artificial groundwater recharge estimation and investigation of self-drilled wells. The boundary conditions in the Jinan spring region were re-defined. The eastern boundary was extended 4 km eastward in the northern permeable section of the original boundary. Using karst stratified statistics and buffer analysis of drilling it was concluded that there is a 100 to 150 m deep groundwater flow zone in the direction of Dangjiazhuang, Shiliuli river and Qianfoshan fault (Quancheng park section). Additionally, the water cycle of Wulongtan and Zhenzhu springs is dominated by deep circulation, while Baotu spring and Heihu spring are affected by both shallow and deep circulation. Baotu spring is mainly recharged by karst groundwater and surface water in west and south Jinan, while Heihu spring receives a certain amount of karst water from the southeast region. It is notable that the karst water quality is deteriorating. Therefore, the ecological environment of the karst area in the southern Jinan spring region, and particularly the surrounding rivers and reservoirs, needs to be addressed urgently.
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