Drought causes and restoration measures for Jiulongchi spring group within Cuihu lake, Kunming
摘要: 九龙池岩溶水系统分布于昆明盆地北部,岩溶含水层由蛇山裸露岩溶山区延伸至盆地底部松散土层覆盖区,在翠湖一带因上覆松散盖层薄,下游存在碎屑岩地层阻水,使地下水位壅高呈股状溢出地表,形成九龙池泉群。九龙池泉群是翠湖的源泉,也是滇池水源之一。九龙池泉群的断流,反映出滇池水环境的急剧变化。通过20世纪60年代以来地下水观测资料的分析研究,结合钻井开采地下水、工程开挖疏排地下水、地下水补给山区石漠化演化等对比评价,得出不合理的人类开发建设活动是导致九龙池泉群断流的主要原因。封停开采井、人防工程封闭止水、调水入滇池等直接或间接的措施,已经取得了明显的效果,使泉群周围地区地下水位呈现持续上升的态势。Abstract: The Jiulongchi spring group is located in the northern part of the Kunming basin. The karst aquifer system in this area extends from the bare karst mountain zone of the Sheshan hill to the loose soil zone at the bottom of the Kunming basin. Due to the facts that the soil layer of Cuihu lake district is very thin and groundwater infiltration is blocked by the clastic rock strata at the southern side, the groundwater rises and overflows the surface over a short period, forming the Jiulongchi spring group. The Jiulongchi spring group is not only the source of Cuihu lake, but also one of the sources for Dianchi lake. The drought of the Jiulongchi spring group reflects serious deterioration of the water environment in Dianchi lake basin. Based on dynamic groundwater monitoring data from the 1960's, groundwater exploitation data, groundwater drainage excavation and the expansive rocky desertification in the groundwater recharge area of Sheshan karst hill, it is proved that the unsustainable large-scale development and underground channel construction in the area were the primary causes of the drought of the Jiulongchi spring group. Many of the restoration measures are very effective, such as closing production wells, shutting down underground shelters, and transferring long-distance water from outside of Dianchi basin into the basin. It is noted that the groundwater level around the Jiulongchi spring group started to rise after the measures were implemented.
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