Paleoenvironmental changes inferred from diatom and geochemistry records of lake deposits: A case study in Huixian karst wetland, Guilin
摘要: 通过对狮子潭柱状沉积物的放射性定年、地球化学与硅藻分析,反演桂林会仙岩溶湿地全新世的古湖沼演替,与其响应的气候变迁与人类活动记录。放射性210Pb、14C定年结果显示该湖在6 400 cal BP开始有湖积物保存,在2 700 cal BP-公元1943年间有沉积间断事件,且于公元1943年再度沉积。在6 400-5 200 cal BP,高比例的浮游型硅藻反映高水位状态,可对应到气候暖湿的中国全新世大暖期鼎盛期。在5 200-2 700 cal BP,沉积物内稀酸可溶相Ca、Mg、Sr 浓度降低,Mg/Ca、Sr/Ca值明显增加,且浮游型硅藻几乎消失,显示当时湖泊水位显著降低,气候逐渐变干。在公元1943年沉积物再度沉积,可能与战争造成人口迁徙与废耕有关。自公元1973年以来,硅藻壳片大量堆积,反映人类过度活动造成藻华的现象。湖泊沉积物内硅藻组成及沉积物的地球化学特征能够很好地反演古气候、环境变迁。Abstract: The Holocene paleolimnological variations in Huixian karst wetland, Guilin, and the climate changes as well as human activities that they reflect, have been reconstructed using multiproxies, including radioactive dating, geochemical proxy, and diatom analysis of a sediment core from Shizitan Lake. During 6 400-5 200 cal BP, high percentages of planktonic diatoms indicated higher water levels, corresponding to a warm and humid climate during the Holocene Optimum. During 5 200-2 700 cal BP, the decline of weak acid leachable Ca, Mg, Sr, and the increase of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca ratios, associated with low percentages of planktonic diatoms inferred a marked decline in water levels and drier climate. The re-accumulation of lake sediments in A.D. 1943 may correlate to significant population shifts during World War 2. The numerous deposits of diatom valves since A.D. 1973, showed algal blooms as a consequence of intense human impacts.
Key words:
- sediment /
- multiproxy /
- diatom /
- Holocene /
- karst wetland /
- weak acid leachable elements
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